We took H. to see a pediatric neurologist in IF a few weeks ago. He diagnosed her as being autistic. We are having such a hard time with her. We can't communicate very well. She is doing better in trying to let us know what she wants but it is still so difficult. Ever since K. was born H.'s behaviors have skyrocketed too. (this we were expecting though).
There was one day that H. and I were out running errands and we stopped by McDonald's for lunch. Afterwards when we were walking back to the car she ran between two parked cars into the parking lot and was hit by a car. Luckily she wasn't severly hurt, just scratches and bruises. Ever since then I have been a nervous wreck if she is out of my sight for very long.
We also had an EEG done on her and found that she was having little mini seizures in her sleep. So he put her on some seizure medication. The doctor wants her to have speech and occupational therapy outside of school. We are having a terrible time finding a place that can do those services with a child so young. Family and coworkers are helping us get more information. I hope to get H. into those sevices soon.
Needless to say, it has been a stressful couple months with H. I hope she starts doing better soon. I have been so worried about her.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
She is here!
Well, munchkin #2 is here. She was born on Sunday, May 16th, 2010. My wa
ter broke at 8:30 AM and she was born at 9:49 Am. We barely made it to the hospital in time. There wasn't time to give me any pain meds or even get me completly undressed. The doctor ended up missing delivering the baby. Anyway, its done and she is absolutly gorgeous!
K. with daddy
K. with Grandpa West
Daddy sleeping at the hospital. It was a long day.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
36 weeks!
I only have four weeks left! However, Baby K. is trying to come early. On April 1rst, (that's right! April Fool's Day) I started preterm labor. I ended up spending four days in the hospital. They were able to stop the progression of the labor but not the actual symptoms. They gave me some meds and sent me home. My doctor then put me on bedrest until this week.
Now that I'm not on bedrest or the meds anymore they said that if I go into labor, then we will just let nature take its course. While I was in the hospital they gave me some steroids for the baby's lungs. She should be ok if she is born in the next little while.
The problem is, I AM GOING OUT OF MY MIND! I am so bored. I don't have the energy to do much. Even though I'm not on bedrest, the bed or couch is still where I spend most of my time. Anyway, I can't wait until the little decides to come. I am ready for all this to be over.
Now that I'm not on bedrest or the meds anymore they said that if I go into labor, then we will just let nature take its course. While I was in the hospital they gave me some steroids for the baby's lungs. She should be ok if she is born in the next little while.
The problem is, I AM GOING OUT OF MY MIND! I am so bored. I don't have the energy to do much. Even though I'm not on bedrest, the bed or couch is still where I spend most of my time. Anyway, I can't wait until the little decides to come. I am ready for all this to be over.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
2/3 done!
Here I am ready to start my third trimester. I'm so ready for this little girl to come. The pregnancy has caused an old back injury to flare up. There are times that I am in so much pain I can hardly move and am just crying and shaking. My Doctors' had me cut back my hours at work. I'm now working half of what I was before but it is making a big difference.
Another problem I've been having is that I'm not eating enough. I just don't feel hungry. My doctor said that I'm basically dehydrated and starving. At least the baby is ok. She is very active.
I only have three more months to go.
Another problem I've been having is that I'm not eating enough. I just don't feel hungry. My doctor said that I'm basically dehydrated and starving. At least the baby is ok. She is very active.
I only have three more months to go.
Monday, January 11, 2010
It's another girl!
I had my ultrasound on Christmas Eve. We are having another girl. Secretly I was hoping for another one, the little munchkin has been so much fun! Now we can pull out all of the darling outfits she grew out of and use them again.
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